Bodyweight exercises

Bodyweight exercises(all you need to know)

Embarking on a fitness journey doesn’t always require a room full of equipment; sometimes, all you need is the incredible machine you already possess – your body. This article will enlighten you on bodyweight exercises, including push-ups and squats, that can change your body. There is no need for expensive gym memberships or high-tech gear, just you and your determination. Continue reading to discover how your body can become the ultimate fitness machine.

What are bodyweight exercises?

Bodyweight exercises, also known as calisthenics, are strength training routines where the resistance is provided by your body weight. They are a great way to build muscle, improve strength, and burn calories without equipment.

Bodyweight exercises benefits

  • Convenience: You can perform bodyweight exercises anywhere, anytime, without requiring equipment. This flexibility makes them an excellent choice for individuals with busy lifestyles or frequent travelers.
  • Effectiveness: Bodyweight exercises can help you build muscle, burn fat, and improve cardiovascular fitness. They also help to improve your balance, coordination, and flexibility.
  • Versatility: There are various bodyweight exercises that you can do, allowing you to tailor your exercise routine to match your fitness level and objectives. You can also combine bodyweight exercises with other kinds of exercise, like cardio or strength training, to create a well-rounded workout program.
  • Safety: Bodyweight exercises are generally safe and low-risk, as they do not require any heavy equipment or weights. However, starting at a moderate pace and progressively increasing the intensity of your workouts to avoid injury is important.
  • Functional fitness: Bodyweight exercises mimic everyday movements, which can help to improve your functional fitness and make it easier to perform everyday tasks.
  • Mental benefits: Bodyweight exercises can also have positive mental benefits, such as alleviating stress, anxiety, and depression.

Types of Bodyweight Exercises 

Here are some of the most popular types of bodyweight exercises:

1. Push-ups  

Push-ups are a classic bodyweight exercise, primarily targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps, engaging the core and hip muscles. To perform a push-up,

  • Begin in a plank position,
  • Align your hands shoulder-width apart
  • Maintain a straight line from head to heels.
  • Lower your body to the floor,
  • Then press back up to the initial position.

Bodyweight exercises


2. Squats

Squats are an outstanding lower body exercise, targeting the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. To perform a squat,

  • Position your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Lower your body like you’re settling into a chair.
  • Keep your back straight and your knees aligned over your ankles.’

Bodyweight exercises

3. Lunges

Lunges are another effective lower body workout. To lunge,

  • Begin by stepping forward with one leg,
  • Lower your body until your front knee forms a 90-degree angle,
  • With your back knee nearly touching the floor.
  • Push back up to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

bodyweight exercises

4. Planks

Planks are good for strengthening the core muscles. To do a plank,

  • Begin in a plank position by supporting yourself on your forearms with elbows aligned directly under your shoulders.
  • Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels, and
  • Hold for as long as you can.

Bodyweight exercises

5. Bird dogs

Bird dogs are a great exercise for working the core and stabilizing muscles. To do a bird dog,

  • Start in a table position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your knees hip-width apart.
  • Stretch your left arm forward and your right leg backward until they’re parallel to the floor.
  • Hold for a few seconds, then lower yourself and repeat on the other side.

Bodyweight exercises

6. Crunches

Crunches effectively target the abdominal muscles.

  • Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor
  • Position your hands behind your head or crossed over your chest.
  • Lift your upper body off the floor and curl your head forward.
  • Lower yourself back down and repeat.

Bodyweight exercise


7. Glute bridges

Glute bridges are a good exercise for glutes and hamstrings. For a glute bridge,

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Lift your hips until your body creates a straight line from shoulders to knees.
  • Hold for a few seconds, then lower back to the starting position.

Bodyweight exercises

Can you build muscle with body weight?

Yes, you can build muscle through bodyweight exercises. Muscle growth occurs when muscles are subjected to greater resistance than they are used to. This resistance causes microscopic tears in the muscle fibers, which the body then repairs by making the fibers larger and stronger.

How long does it take to see results from bodyweight exercises?

The rate at which you see results from bodyweight exercises depends on several factors, including your starting fitness level, diet, and training consistency. However, you can expect some initial changes within 4-6 weeks, such as increased strength and endurance. More significant results, such as muscle growth or fat loss, may take 12-16 weeks or longer to become apparent.

Do bodyweight exercises burn belly fat?

Yes, bodyweight exercises can help you burn belly fat. Bodyweight exercises can help you burn belly fat by increasing your calorie expenditure. When you exercise, you burn calories. The more calories you burn, the higher your chances of shedding weight, including abdominal fat.


Bodyweight exercises are a great way to get in shape and stay healthy. They require no equipment and can be done anywhere. With a little effort, you can start to see results in just a few weeks. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your fitness goals with bodyweight exercises. Just listen to your body, be consistent, and have fun!