Healthy & Happy


Workout Practices from Different Cultures 
Workout Practices From Different Cultures 
Can we not think about the treadmill and barbells for a moment? Have you ever wondered how people in...
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sneak exercise into your daily routines
10 Surprisingly Fun Ways to Sneak Exercise into Your Daily Routines
Traditional exercise routines can sometimes feel like a tedious chore. Slogging away on the treadmill...
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Hamstring exercises
Hamstring exercises for beginners
Embarking on a fitness journey can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially for beginners. One crucial...
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10 Bodybuilding Tips For Beginners 
Have you ever looked at someone with a jaw-dropping physique and thought, “I want that too!”?...
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Common cold
Common Cold, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Have you ever experienced that annoying tickle in your throat or the relentless sniffles that just won’t...
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Bodyweight exercises
Bodyweight exercises(all you need to know)
Embarking on a fitness journey doesn’t always require a room full of equipment; sometimes, all...
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How to prevent dry skin during Harmattan
The Harmattan, with its dry, dusty winds and plummeting temperatures, can wreak havoc on even the healthiest...
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facial steaming
A comprehensive guide to facial steaming
Who said achieving radiant skin had to be complicated and expensive? At times, the most effective solutions...
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Butt acne
Butt acne: Causes and Treatment
Are you dealing with pimples on your butt? Read this! Butt acne, also known as “buttne,”...
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